NEW - the AQVOX audiophile ASIO USB driver - best possible sound from computer !
1.- Symmetric tone arm cable, tone arm
1a.- AQVOX Phonostages - optimum sound
1b.- AQVOX Phonostages - bridging the
output capacitors
2.- Driver, software and ASIO for USB2
DA-Converter and music via computer
3.- Optimaum read out, storage and play back
of audio CDs
4.- The Advanced-Class-A Amplifier - A New
Generation of Analog Amplifier!
5.- Digital and analog cable, symmetric
und asymmetric, basics + soundquality
6.- Help in case of disturbances like hum
/ radio / noise from turntable
7.- PHONO --- TRUE balanced with just two conductors?
8.- RIAA
+ 50kHz Neumann Time-Constant - what is the benefit ?
9.- DAT tapes grabbing or copy - how to
bypass the SCMS , Serial Copy Management System
10. Digitalization of Vinyl -
RIAA to Digital - the audiophile solution
11.- Upsampling and the problem of
digital overloaded music - +0dbFS
12.- MM or MC - pickup ? what is sonically
/ technically better?
13. optimize PC´s BIOS for AUDIO-Streaming
- switch off the clock-SPREADING = less Jitter
14.- Roomcorrection in realtime, audio
streaming inside PC´s digitally corrected and played
from the AQVOX DAC
15.- Audiosoftware AQVOX recommends
for recording, cutting, mastering.. 96, 192 kHz 16 /
24 / 32 / 64 bit
16.- Use USBview.exe to check which PC USB-ports sound best. Look for the ports where no other USB-device is connected to.
REGA Tonearm modification (removing the internal ground):
REGA Tonearm modification
Which Tonearms are prepared or available for balanced operation?
From engaged vinylenthusiasts is following Cartridge list:
In the following Tonearm info list, are mounting-distance,
overhang, eff. length, eff. mass and so on,
as published by the manufacturers:
NEW - correct pin alignment for phonocables using the XLR
- balanced input of AQVOX Phonostages
- 5-pin SME-Mini-Din ( Tiffany-Plug) Orientation / layout
for Audio Professionals:
Voltage divider for precise measuring of the XLR-current input
of the Phono2Ci
(without this voltage divider the meter falsify/distorts
the measured results)
Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
1a.- AQVOX Phonostages - setup and adjustment instructions for optimum sound
WARNING ! Before connecting or disconnecting AQVOX Phonostages please switch off the unit
and all connected devices.
Any damage due to incorrect connection procedure is not covered by the warranty!
The PHONO2CI needs at least 14 days burn in period, so forget any impressions for before. You need to know that any MC-cartridge connected to the XLR-input behaves different from the usual connection to a RCA-input. The PHONO2CI's XLR-input is a current-amplifier what means a nearly shortcut to the cartridge. This requires to realign/readjust the cartridge/tonearm for a correct bass response. For more or less bass please try:
1. Tonearm weight (max. 0.5 g more or less than recommended by the cartridge
manufacturer) More weight mostly results in more bass.
2. Tonearm heigt (higher or lower) The rule that tonearm and record should be
parallel is not true. You really need to try it out. Mark your start position and try a
slightly higher and lower position of your tonearm. Maximum 10 mm higher at the
3. Position of the MC-cartridge (pick-up) in the headshell
4. Turntable mat - Softer or harder materials affect the sound reproduction
5. GAIN-Level - Adjustable at the front panel of the AQVOX phono stage
The Gain-knobs affect the sound, the stereo image, and the dynamics.
Important: These are NO VOLUME KNOBS !! Finetune/match the input with the pickup.
6. True balanced cables between turntable and AQVOX phono stage.
We strongly recommend to use the balanced current input (XLR) for MCs,
since this is the unique feature which makes the difference.
Try AQVOX specially developed balanced phono cables in pure silver or copper.
7. Move your speakers - The position of the speakers is an easy method to increase
or reduce the bass response. Wrong cables to the turntable, or power cables too close to the phono cables/ phono stage,
can cause hum/noise or radio. It is strongly recommended to use balanced cables for the XLR-input ,
the PHONO2CI is intrinsically dead quiet.
8. Please play around with the position of your cables and the position of the PHONO2CI,
you this lowers disturbances that may come from other hifi devices/transformers/ powercables/handy loaders /lamps/ and so on.
You find special balanced turntable cables and recommendations here
1b.- AQVOX Phonostages - bridging the output capacitorsFor our demanding audiophile customers:
Later MKI and all MKII versions have internal DIP-switches
to bridge the output-capacitors. Overall better sound, like
more roominformation, transparency and so on...
!!! The use of the switches is on own risk and without
any guarantee for connected devices!
If the connected Preamp/Amplifier has no Input-coupling-capacitors,
heavy damages of devices, speakers and ear damages could
If you want to bridge the Phono2Ci´s output-caps,
please ask the manufacturer of your Preamp/Amplifier that this Amp has capacitors
(coupling-capacitors) at the input.
Do this before you bridge the Phono2Ci´s output-caps. One side needs capacitors, either the Phono2Ci at the output, or the connected AMP at the input ! In case of questions contact AQVOX !
DC free or AC coupled analog Outputstages.
The internal DIP-Switches have following function:
OFF = bridging is DISABLED (Capacitors are ON)
ON = bridging is ENABLED (Capacitors are OFF)
and help : ASIO driver for USB, WinAmp, Foobar2000, etc..
(avoid the resampling Windows Kernel-Mixer = better audioquality
from PC/Notebook
!! Apple MAC and Linux do NOT need ASIO drivers!!)
NEW - ASIO Drivers for iTunes 6 & 7 for Windows:
-- iTunes 6 - http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=32733
-- iTunes 7 - http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=38334
NEW - recording and highend music archivie building with
the USB2DA
You can record all digital inputs and the microphone input
of the USB2DA
with this free software. Via USB onto your computer: www.audacity.de
NEW - aditional digital inputs for the USB2DA
Some USB2DA users would like to connect more digital sources
as inputs available.
We recommend to connect the best sounding device at the COAX
input. Unfortunately are no quality COAX switches available.
But for the TOSlink input we have a suggestion: up to 4 devices
my be connected at a single TOSlink input by using a cheap
COAX to TOSlink convertor and a automatic TOSlink
switch 4in1 or 2in1.
....Problems with USB-connections often resulting from old
Here is the instruction for driver-installation:
Here are the latest drivers from TexasInstruments, the manufacturer
of our USB-Interface-Chips:
USB-Codec: Texas-Instruments PCM2906 transceiver
NEW - soon we complete an instruction for:
Realtime digital room correction for the USB2DA and computers
This will be very interesting... Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
A.- Read out of audio CDs
The (cleaned) Audio CDs should be grabbed with slowest
possible readout speed.
For info: some CD/DVD devices in computers are not able to
read out data with speeds under 4x.
Ideal for grabbing purposes is the freeware programm Exact
Audio Copy (EAC)
Excellent error correction http://www.exactaudiocopy.org
But also APPLES iTunes has excellent grabbing abilities, exact
audiodata reading technology with low jitter.
This good sonically results are worth a try.
http://www.apple.com/itunes/ Here
is the BRAKE for your CD-Rom drive. For info: most
computer CD/DVD drives are reading/spinning far to fast for
correct readout. This costs sound, mostly transients and details
are degraded, even best read-out software can not help here.
But a brake for your drive:
For Windows:
http://www.cd-bremse.de (sorry, but the freeware is in
Für Apple MAC OS X:
B.- Storage of audio data and data compression
First choice is the normal WAV format, but produces the biggest
files, like FLAC or AIFF, nothing left out from the original.
MP3 is NOT suitable for highest soundreproduction and highend
applications. Even at lowest compression rates where just
10% of storing space (compared to the original WAV file) is
saved, results in smaller sound stages with less depth. Disappeared
are some room- and transientinformation during compression/reduction.
FLAC and Monkey
The compression programm FLAC
( http://flac.sourceforge.net }and also Monkey belong
to the group of Loss Less (only compression no reduction)
compressors and saving ca. 50% storage space. This is far
less as with a MP3 reduction can be saved, but without any
losses, because a FLAC file can be restored to 100% of the
original WAV file, and therefore FLAC has far better sound
quality as MP3.
The ideal case looks like: CD is in the CD-drive, EAC finds
the CD title in the CD database and writes all titles automatically
and reads out the CD. FLAC is integrated in EAC and EAC writes
the title-tags in the FLAC files. It can´t be much easyer
and convinient!
The advantage of loss-less compression is, that the audiosignal
is after the decompression 100% identical to the original
music signal.
C.- Play back of audio data
To avoid any alterations of the audio-stream we have collected
some nice PC- software tools for you:
Free music player software:
WINAMP5 at http://www.winamp.com
Free music player software:
Foobar at http://www.foobar2000.org
Configuration information for Foobar2000 at WIKI from hydrogenaudio
To achieve best possible sound under windows, ASIO drivers
are required.
Installation instructions: ASIO driver for USB, WinAmp, Foobar2000,
The K-Mixer (kernel-mixer) is the mixing console inside windows,
where all sound "channels" of a PC are routed trough.
Unfortuntely the K-mixer has an ( for audiophile and pro-users
) unwanted and audible habit, he resamples the audio signal.
Apple computers with USB connection do not have this k-mixer.
With USB ASIO, DirectSound and kernel-streaming drivers you
can bypass the windows K-mixer.
Freeware ASIO driver:
(unpack files
in .7z format with 7-ZIP)
Freeware ASIO driver:
The most audiophile ASIO driver comes from AQVOX produces least jitter, is compatible with some other USB-DAC´s and plays with all Windows based mediaplayers/soundprograms. You can order this driver directly from us and tThe trialversion is free.
About the matter: read out of Audio CD´s in highest quality and store or playback from a PC or MAC harddrive.
How and with what should be grabbed? ( Audio CD read out)
The (cleaned) Audio CD´s should be grabbed with slowest possible readout speed.
(for info: some CD/DVD devices in computers are not able to read out data with speeds under 10x)
Ideal for grabbing purposes is the freeware programm iTunes and others.
How and with what should be compressed?:( audio aata loss-less compression )
First choice is the normal WAV format, which produces the biggest files of all compression programms.
Here is nothing left out from the orioginal.
MP3 is NOT suitable for highest soundreproduction and highend applications. Even at lowest compression rates where just 10% of storing space (compared to the original WAV file) is saved, results in smaller sound stages with less depth. Here are room- and transientinformations left out during compression/reduction losses.
The compression programm FLAC ( http://flac.sourceforge.net ) and also Monkey belong to the group of Loss Less (only compression no reduction) compressors and saving ca. 50% storage space. This is far less as with a MP3 reduction can be saved, but without any losses, because a FLAC file can be restored to 100% of the original WAV file, and FLAC has far better sound quality as MP3.
The ideal case looks like: CD is in the CD-drive, EAC finds the CD title in the CD database and writes all titles automatically and reads out the CD. FLAC is integrated in EAC and EAC writes the title-tags in the FLAC files. It can´t be much easyer and convinient!
The advantage of loss-less compression is, that the audiosignal is after the decompression 100% identical to the original music signal.
USB ASIO, DirectSound and kernel-streaming drivers
with these drivers you can go bypass the windows K-mixer.
The K-Mixer (kernel-mixer) is the mixing console inside windows, where all sound "channels" of a PC are routed trough.
Unfortuntely the K-mixer has an ( for audiophile and pro-users ) unwanted and audible habit, he resamples the audio signal.
Apple computers with USB connection do not have this k-mixer.
We have collected some nice PC-audio software tools for you:
Audio-files playback software with flexible outputs and free driver support
Free music player software: WINAMP5 : http://www.winamp.com
Free music player software: Foobar :http://www.foobar2000.org
configuration information for Foobar2000 at WIKI from hydrogenaudio
Freeware ASIO driver:
(unpack files in .7z format with 7-ZIP)
Freeware ASIO driver:
Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
Avoiding signal losses instead of correcting them. The common way of reducing measurable distortions is overall
negative feedback (NFB). At the first glimpse this method
seems to solve the problem, but it works only for static test
signals, not for "random" music signals. Negative
feedback looks good on measurement equipment and paper, but
has the well known limitations in sound quality we all got
used to. As there are no common ways to test short time (transient)
distortions, which occur during fast signal changes, most
engineers assume they just don't exist. Prof. Matti Otala
developed a way to measure Transient Intermodulation (TIM),
which is only a small part of the whole story. It succeeded to proove the existence of short time distortions,
which origin from NFB limitations. As a consequence the development
of amplifiers without overall negative feedback but only local
feedback and very low dynamic and static distortions was initiated.
(There are already amplifiers without NFB on the market, but
with sound influencing distortions.) Advanced-Class-A avoids degradation of sound quality instead of correcting
it afterwards.
The breakthrough of Advanced-Class-A technology is: The signal transistor
does neither pass through its voltage characteristic Vce nor
the current characteristic Ic.
Passing the voltage characteristic is avoidable by using a
floating cascode circuit. This method is known, but causes
losses in efficiency and power when using traditional circuitry.
As the signal transistor in Advanced-Class-A circuit does not handle the
current requested by the speaker, loss in efficiency is negligible.
Advanced-Class-A's most significant progress is splitting the handling
of the loudspeaker's current request from the music signal
voltage output stage! Advanced-Class-A means: The signal transistor is
not loaded by any connected load, either devices, cartridges
or speaker's current requests, because it has strong current
handling "assistants" - thus no sound degradation
effects due to the load happens. With today's common amplifiers it is easy to hear whether
it sounds like an airy ballet dancer or a heavyweight bodybuilder,
because the music signal has to pass the more or less "heavyweight"
output transistors using NFB correction. In Advanced-Class-A technology the fast, airy and delicate
signal transistor and the heavyweight current assistants work,
supporting each other. However, the current assistants are
not "allowed" to take part of the signal voltage.
This means: The signal transistor does not pass through his
current characteristic Ic. The load, speakers or small-signals,
"sees" only the signal transistor, but no "current
assistants". This is due to the signal transistor's very
low output impedance, combined with the very high output impedance
of the "current assistants". In case of some small
current inaccuracy that may occur, the "current assistants"
are safely "overruled" by the signal transistor. Unlike usual amplifiers the Advanced-Class-A amp sounds like unlimited
power, as long as it works within the designated power range;
combined with speed, dynamic and colourful elegance.Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
Information is coming up next.
Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
Wrong cables to the turntable, or power cables too close to the phono cables/ phono stage,
can cause hum/noise or radio. It is strongly recommended to use balanced cables for the XLR-input ,
the PHONO2CI is intrinsically dead quiet.
Please play around with the position of your cables and the position of the PHONO2CI,
you then will localise disturbances that may come from other hifi devices/transformers/ handy loaders /lamps/ and so on.
You find special balanced turntable cables here
http://www.aqvox.de/cable.html#phonoinfo In case of problems please call us : +49 - 40 - 4100 6890
Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
7.- TRUE balanced with just two
Normally balanced connections have 3 conductors: positive,
negative and ground.
But in the case of eg. cartriges or microphones, which are
balanced sources with just 2 conductors - positive and negative.
The technical term is floating balanced or balanced without
ground. Yes this is TRUE balanced! The positive signal is
connected to one dedicated amplifier stage and the negative
signal is inverted and also connected to one dedicated amplifier
stage = differential amplifier!
8.- RIAA
+ 50kHz Neumann Time-Constant - what is the benefit ?
info as pdf file
9.- DAT Bänder auslesen
kopieren / SCMS , Serial Copy Management System umgehenSome of our customers and experienced HiFi Fans or Soundstudios
/ Homerecorders verfügen gelegentlich noch über
klanglich hervorragende DAT Bänder oder ganze DAT Archive,
die sie gern auf ein anderes Medium zB. CD / DVD oder PC /
Festplatte kopieren möchten. Dies ist nicht ohne weiteres
möglich, da die Industrie sich damals mit dem SCMS
, Serial Copy Management System, vor digitalen Audio-Kopien
schützen wollte.
info regarding this matter
Another economical possibility to bypass the SCMS comes from
www.Behringer.de zB.
This company produces devices like the SRC2000 Ultramatch,
or Pro 24, Realtime Sample-Raten convertier, "Copy Bit
Killer". The divices working as data-interfaces, means
they just route the data to the AQVOX DA-converter.
Simply connect the DAT-Recorder via COAX or TOSlink to the
Sample-Rate converter and from there via AES/EBU oer COAX
oer TOSlink into the AQVOX USB2DA DAC. From there via USB-cabel
into the PC / Notebook / MAC. Thus makes it possible that
you have all your music from DAT tapes on your harddive and
now you can process them in your " Digital Domain".
Please contact us when you have questions or comments.
Digitalization of Vinyl -
RIAA to Digital - the audiophile solutioneven with the AQVOX Mic2AD the experiment to feed a Micamp
or Soundcard directly with a MC/MM directly with a MC-cart
will end up in frustration and in no way highend results,
perhaps low-fi results.
But the Mic2AD or Micamp or Soundcard can not be blamed for
To apply the RIAA only with a computer, we think is not so
good, because at sufficent level of bass, the mids and heighs
would be overloaded by far. To equalise such a extreme unlinearity
like the RIAA the basses need 40db more gain as the heighs,
this is 100-times the voltage! Our Mic2AD is not able to generate
200-Volts at the output, even more not without any disturbances
in signal.To leave all frequencies, except the heighs, unamplified
will bring a high noise level and you are wasting 40db resolution
of the AD convertor. That are from available 24bit just 17bit
in theory and just 11 or 12bit in practice. That might be
heard as noise.For this RIAA job, hardware is far better suitable. Our Phono2Ci
eg. is ideal because of the automatic impedance
matching function of the current amplifier topology and we
find, a balanced current amplifier matches far better with
a current generator (what a MC cartridge is), as a voltage
amplifier ever can.The Mic2AD has balanced amplification, but is, like most
Micamps or Soundcards, a voltage amplifier and there we have
the impedance or capacitance problem. Means the proper termination
of the MC-cartridge.For a shorter signal path you can try to connect the Phono2Ci
at the RECEIVE-Inputs and select LOOP at the Mic2AD´s
frontpanel. The RECEIVE input is directly connected to the
A/D-converter chip.
Maybe the Phono2Ci-output/Mic2AD-AD-chip impedance matching
is not as good as if you use the Mic2AD´s analog amplifier
input (LINE or MIC). You need to try out.Without our Phono2Ci you will not get satisfying results.
Try our Phono2Ci, it is an excellent device with some unique
solutions.Sure it is no problem for a software to do the RIAA, but
that is not the point. Problem is that the signal is either
too noisy or too distorted. Then we have the impedance termination
issue and that the AD part (like every AD-chip) in the Mic2AD
does not allow any +0dbFs levels (digital overload). If you just compare the amplification value of our Phono2Ci
with the Mic2AD, it looks like the Mic2AD can handle the MC
amplification. But the fact that the amplification of phonostages
always referres to 1kHz, the bottom needs 20db more and the
top needs to be lowered by 20db which are noise now.It is not only a matter of frequency response. Frequency
can be adjusted by software. And it is not a matter of software,
where you have a resolution of 32Bit or even more. It's a
matter of the hardware: Amplifier and A/D-converter have to
handle a difference of 40dB from 20Hz to 20kHz, that means
a factor of 100 in voltage. Depending on recording level,
this means digital overload and / or a high noise level.40dB of frequency unbalance plus the dynamic range of the
music may be to much for a recording system.In a Neumann Cutting Lathe Apparatus specially in the cutting-amplifier
are lots of timekonstants, oscillators, other parts and functions
which partly may be controlled by the cutter operator and
which might be corrected in digital-domain.The most important filter is the 50kHz filter to save the
cutter-head-coil from burn out. This timeconstant we have
implemented in the RIAA of the Phono2Co. If
you are interested, here
is a link to this filter-part of the Neumann shematics of
the Signalprocessing SAB 74B. It consists of the
parts R6, R61, C35, C34 and results in 49,9kHz. This filter affects the level and the phase of signals starting
at 10kHz and rising up until the end of the vinly bandwith
to a maximum of 1.5db, and this is clearly audible.
11.- Upsampling
and the Problem of the loudness war, digital intersample clipping
Es gibt ja nur wenige Hersteller von Upsampler-Chips am Markt,
zB, Analog Devices, Crystal und AKM. Keiner dieser Hersteller
kann zaubern, will heissen,
wenn ein Upsamplerchip mit digital übersteuerten Musiksignalen
gespeist wird, kann er technisch
nicht anders als Verzerrungen produzieren.
Das resultiert aus dem zugrundeliegenden Algorithmus, ist
also kein
Qualitätsmerkmal sondern reine Mathematik.
Heutzutage werden ja leider viele Musikproduktionen nicht
nur zu "tode"
komprimiert, sondern auch laut, lauter - übersteuert
produziert. Übersteuert bedeutet
0dbFS+, also Digitalsignale über der eigentlich maximal
möglichen Aussteuerung.
Diese Signale bringen JEDEN Upsampler zum Verzerren, hauptsächlich
Phasenverschiebungen bis 90-Grad
und es hört sich logischerweise nicht audiophil an, was
dann dabei herauskommt.
Abgesehen davon gehören übersteuerte Aufnahmen
eher auf den Müll,
aber egal - denn den Upsampler an AQVOX DAC´s können
Sie ja ausschalten.
Benachteiligt sind in dem Fall natürlich alle Besitzer
von CD/DVD/SACD-Playern sowie DA-Wandlern,
bei denen sich das Upsampling nicht ausschalten lässt.Hier eine technische Erklärung von Thomas Lund, TC Electronic
A/S Denmark - Stop Counting Samples.
Conventionpaper der Audio Engineering Society AS121 in San
Francisco vom 08.10.06 in englisch
http://www.tcelectronic.com/media/AES121_Stop_Counting_Samples.pdfEine Erklärung in deutsch mit ähnlichem Inhalt
finden Sie hier von Fritz Fey/Studio Magazin und Thomas Lund
http://www.studio-magazin.de/Leseproben/Jenseits%20von%200%20dBFS.pdfHier finden Sie Informationen zu dem Thema zu laute Aufnahmen:
# Loudness War - Wikipedia
# Why Music Really Is Getting Louder - Adam Sherwin, Times
# How CDs Are Remastering The Art Of Noise - Tim Anderson,
# Brickwall Limiting - J.J. Blair, EQ Magazine
# The Big Squeeze: Mastering Engineers Debate Music's Loudness
Wars - Sarah
Jones, Mix Magazine
# Everything Louder Than Everything Else - Have The Loudness
Wars Reached
Their Final Battle? - Joe Gross, Austin360.com
# Why New Music Doesn't Sound As Good As It Did - Yahoo! Tech
# The Loudness War - Mark Donahue, Performer Magazine
# The Death Of Dynamic Range - Mike Richter
# Imperfect Sound Forever - Nick Southall, Stylus Magazine
# Declaring An End To The Loudness Wars - Barry Diament
# Tearing Down The Wall Of Noise - Suhas Sreedhar (Multimedia)
# Tearing Down The Wall Of Noise - Suhas Sreedhar (Text)
# Radio Ready: The Truth - Bob Orban & Frank Foti, with
introduction and
comments by Bob Katz (from Katz's book "Mastering Audio:
The Art And The
# Official, Rock Music Is Too Loud - Thomas Whitaker, The
# What Happened To Dynamic Range? - Bob Speer
# Pump Up The Volume - Rip Rowan, WIRED Magazine
# Over The Limit - Rip Rowan, ProRec.com
# Music Gets Louder - Adrian Larkin, BBC Radio
It's Confirmed: Music Is Really Getting Louder - Duncan Robertson,
# Experts: Music Is Getting 'Too Loud' - Dave West, Digital
# Distorted, Loud Rock Music Is Making Listeners 'Sick' -
Adam Sherwin,
Independent News
# Masters On Mastering - JJ Jenkins, Electronic Musician
# NEW Current Trends in Recording: Is Louder Better? - Dan
Audioholics Magazine
# NEW Loudness - Chicago Mastering Service
# NEW Whatever Happened To Dynamic Range On Compact Discs?
- George Graham
# NEW Hot CD Disease - John Vestman
# NEW Music Into Noise: The Destructive Use Of Dynamic Range
Compression -
Wes Lindstrom
# NEW Loudness Race Discussed - Bob Katz
# NEW How To Make Better Recordings - Integrated Metering,
Monitoring, and
Leveling Practices - Bob Katz
Ein sehr interessanter Artiekl zum Thema inter sample overs,
bzw. digitale Übersteuerung von unseren Korrespondenz-Kollegen
der TC Electronic A/S, einem dänischen Entwickler und
Hersteller von Studioelektronik 0dBFS+
Levels in Digital Mastering" by Soren H. Nielsen and
Thomas Lund
Hier grundsätzliche Infos, warum und wie 0dbFS+ beim
Masteringprozess vermieden werden sollte
Aus audiophiler Sicht gehören CD´s mit übersteuerten
Aufnahmen eh in die Tonne, da lässt sich auch im nachherein
nichts mehr retten.
Dies betrifft leider viele aktuelle POP/Rock-Produktionen.
12.- MM oder MC - Tonabnehmer
? was ist klanglich / technisch besser?Diese Frage erreicht uns oft. MM-Systeme haben oft einen sehr starken Pegelanstieg im Frequenzbereich
oberhalb 5 kHz. Je höher die Induktivität und Widerstand
des MM´s je höher dieser Anstieg. Dies ist nicht
nur Messbar sondern klar hörbar, zB. mehrere db Anstieg
um 10 kHz, steiler Abfall bei ca. 20 kHz. wirken. Negativ
treten von MM zu MM unterschiedliche Phasenverschiebungen
auf, die nicht durch Phonostufen korrigiert werden können.
Der krasseste Unterschied zwischen MM- und MC-Systemen ist,
abgesehen von der Grundkonstruktion und Unterschiede in der
bewegten Masse, das Phasenverhalten. Bei MMs kann die
Phase innerhalb des Abtastbereichs gern bis zu 180 Grad verschoben
sein. Mit anderen Worten zB.: der Bassbereich wird mit korrekter
Phase und der Hochtonbereich mit verdrehter Phase wiedergegeben.
Das Signal hat also seine Polarität völlig verdreht.
Die Phasendrehung beträgt bei MC-Systemen jedoch stets
nur wenige Grad oder Milligrad über den kompletten Abtastbereich,
dort ist wohl der Grund zu suchen, warum MC-Systeme als schneller,
auflösender, transparenter oder räumlicher bezeichnet
werden. Technisch ist dies alles belegbar da es einfach nachzumessen
ist, und natürlich nachzuhören.
Allerdings schliesst sich hier der Kreis, denn unsere Phonoverstärker
sind stets mit einer erweiterten RIAA ausgestattet, die dazu
beiträgt, dass ab 10kHz ebenso eine korrektere Phasenlage
und Pegel erreicht wird. Man ist näher am Original, sprich
hört eine natürlichere und transparentere erweiterte
+ 50kHz Neumann Konstante - was bringt das ?
Hier ein pdf zum Download Zusätzliche Zeitkonstante
von 3.18us bzw. 50kHz zur standard RIAA.
This question often reaches us. Mm systems have often a very
strong level rise in the frequency range above 5 kHz. The
more highly the inductance and resistance of the MM´s
the more highly this rise. This is not only measurable but
clearly audibly, e.g. several railways rise around 10 kHz,
steep waste with approx. 20 kHz. work. Different phase shifts
arise negatively from mm to mm, which cannot be corrected
by Phonostufen. The most glaring difference between MM and
MC-systems is, apart from the basic construction and differences
in the moved mass, the phase behaviour. With MM's the phase
can be shifted within the scanning field gladly up to 180
degrees. In other words e.g.: the bass range is shown with
correct phase and the high clay/tone range with twisted phase.
The signal rotated thus its polarity completely. The angular
phase shift amounts to with MC-systems however always only
few degrees or milli degrees over the complete scanning field,
there is probably the reason to be searched, why MC-systems
are called faster, more solvent, more transparently or more
spatially. All of this is simple technical provably there
it to check is to after-listen and naturally. However the
circle closes here, because our Phonoverstärker is always
equipped with an extended RIAA, which contributes to the fact
that starting from 10kHz likewise a more correct phase position
and level are reached. One is closer at the original, speaks
hears a more natural and more transparent extended high clay/tone
13.- optimize PC´s
BIOS for AUDIO-Streaming - switch off the CLOCK-spreading
/ clock spread option / spread spectrum - less Jitter
If you enter the PC´s BIOS you will find somewhere
in the voltage/clock options the CLOCK Spreading or Clock
Spread Spectrum or SPREAD Spectrum option. This function is
actually meant for EMI (electromagnetic radiation) test during
the CE-test of the Mainboards. If the Motherboards during
the CE - certification-tests for high radiations in a certain
frequency range produce to high distortions, caused by possible
overlay of frequencies (also harmonic waves) and thus a reinforcement
(constructional interference) of the radiated signal. This
radiation behavior can be changed by letting the systemclock
not longer precisely work on a specific frequency but changing
its frequency very fast. The clock-frequency fluctuates and
thus flattens the spikes because SPREADING it on a broader
frequency band. The BIOS adjustment possibilities can look
like: 0.25%; 0.5%; 1.5%; Enabled and Disabled. Disabled means
the Spreading is switched off. This is the best option, however
you should restart it, if radio or TV are disturbed. Disabled
improves also the PC performance. Sonically effects: What
the CLOCK Spreading now to do with the sound? Very simple,
an instable/varying system clock produces JITTERS, all the
same whether the audio data are transmitted via USB or over
an internal or external sound-port or soundcard by SPdif or
See what wikipedia says about one of the effects of this spreading - the clock skew
14.- Roomcorrection
in realtime, audio streaming inside PC´s digitally corrected
and played via AQVOX DAC
So called Convolving Programms or Convolvers are used for this amazing task. One good example is from Juice-HiFi the Audiolense
Audiosoftware AQVOX recommends for recording, cutting, mastering..
96, 192 kHz 16 / 24 / 32 / 64 bit
www.n-track.com is a fair priced but professional multitrack Software for recording , arranging, mixing and so on...
Works with VST-plugins, Direct-X, Re-Wire, ASIO and deals with lots of file formats up to 192kHz,
www.audacity.de - is a freeware Audioeditor and Recordingsoftware for creating, recording, manipulating, editing and cutting of a lot of different file formats. Good fro the unexperienced user.www.steinberg.net - wavelab is the standard for audio editing.